Crafted Gear: Quick Guide for Raiders (Dragonflight 10.0)

Crafting Orders

  • To buy BoP Crafted Gear, you will need to place a Crafting Order.
    • This is done through an interface like the Auction House, except you have to provide the materials for the item and wait for someone to fill the order.
  • You can place a Public or Private Crafting Order (expect the lowest possible item level for the item if you use Public).

    • Public: Anyone with the ability to craft the item can claim the order and craft it at any quality level. A minimum quality item will be 10 item levels lower than maximum, and with this order type you can end up with a minimum quality item even if you provide the highest quality materials. You must provide ALL materials.

    • Private: You specify the name of the player to send the order to. You can specify a minimum quality (item level) for the item to be crafted at. This means that if you want the highest possible item level, you will need to find someone with a high skill level who specialized in crafting the specific type of item that you need (from Trade chat, your guild, etc.) and send the crafting order to them directly. You must provide BoP materials but it is possible for the crafter to provide some or all of the other reagents.

  • You can upgrade/change stats on your crafted items later via a Recrafting Order.
Valdrakken Map with Crafting Orders location highlighted
Go here to place Crafting Orders
Crafting Order Interface

BoP Materials Required

* Save your Spark of Ingenuity in week 1 if you want to craft a 2h weapon before heading into the raid! *

  • All Epic Crafted items need Spark of Ingenuity and Primal Chaos.

  • Spark of Ingenuity is time-gated and will be the main factor limiting how many crafted items you can have. (All Epic crafted items need 1; 2h weps need 2).
    • You get 1 Spark at launch from the questline starting with Jump Start? Jump Starting!
    • You then get 1 Spark every 2 weeks from new quests that will show up.
    • This means you can make 1 crafted Epic item in the first 2 weeks of DF, or wait until the raid opens to get your 2nd spark and craft a 2h weapon.
    • Warning: You can’t get your Sparks back after you craft something so be careful what you use them on.
  • Primal Chaos will come from various Dragonflight activities, similar to Cosmic Flux in Shadowlands.
    • Armor items require 30-50, while 1-handed weapons require 80 and 2-handed weapons need 160.

Crafted Gear Item Levels

  • Epic crafted items are item level 382 (lowest quality) – 392 (highest quality).
  • To craft these items at higher item levels, an extra optional reagent will need to be added when crafting (or when recrafting if you want to upgrade later):

Item Level (Minimum Quality)Item Level (Maximum Quality)Extra Optional Reagent NeededContent you need to do
382392NoneQuests to obtain Spark of Ingenuity, complete world quests, dungeons, raids, PvP, or loot treasures for Primal Chaos
395405Primal Infusion10 Heroic raid bosses or M+11 Dungeons (or any combination of both)
408418Concentrated Primal Infusion10 Mythic raid bosses or M+16 Dungeons (or any combination of both)

No Crafted Tier Pieces

  • It won’t be possible to convert crafted items into Tier pieces.
    • You will probably want to avoid crafting any items in Tier slots (Head, Shoulders, Chest, Hands, Legs).

Getting Maximum Item Level on Crafted Gear

  • Each item has a set Recipe Difficulty which determines how much Skill is needed to craft it at the maximum rank/item level.
  • If a crafter’s Skill is lower than the Recipe Difficulty, they will only be able to craft it at a lower rank (a rank 1 item would be 10 item levels lower than a rank 5).
  • A crafter’s Skill is increased by:
    • Their base Profession Skill from levelling up the Profession (usually 0-100)
    • Skill bonuses from the Knowledge Points they invested in relevant Profession Specializations
    • The quality of the materials being used for the craft
  • This means that in general you should buy the highest-quality reagents for your Crafting Order if you want to get the highest item level, and you will also need to find a crafter with enough Skill.
  • You may need to send a Crafting Order with minimum quality rank 4 and hope for the crafter to get an Inspiration proc to get the item at rank 5.
  • Crafters can get Profession Equipment with Inspiration on it or invest their Profession Knowledge in Inspiration-related nodes to increase their chance of proccing a higher quality.
  • Crafters who can’t guarantee a rank 5 item should generally be trying to maximize their Inspiration, and they should be able to give you a ~30% chance of a proc.
  • An Inspiration proc can not increase the quality of an item more than 1 rank, e.g. if the base craft is rank 3, it won’t be possible to proc a rank 5 item. If a crafter barely has enough Skill to guarantee rank 3, they might not have enough Inspiration to even have a chance of proccing rank 4. So a crafter needs to be relatively close to being able to craft the next rank to have a chance of proccing that rank.
  • You can send a Recrafting Order multiple times for the same item to try to get a proc to a higher rank.
  • Recrafting Orders use less materials than the original craft and don’t require an additional Spark or Primal Chaos.
  • Missives and Embellishments increase the Recipe Difficulty (a Quality 3 Missive adds +15 and a Quality 3 Embellishment adds +20 Difficulty). Lower quality Missives and Embellishments add more Recipe Difficulty so for high level crafts you should use the highest quality.
  • Items that come with a specific Embellishmemt (e.g. the Elemental Lariat neck) have the +20 increased Recipe Difficulty built in to the base difficulty.
  • To guarantee a rank 5 405 or 418 item level craft with an Embellishment and Missive, a crafter may need to use their to increase their Skill by adding In this case they may ask for a higher fee since they only have a limited amount of

Crafted Gear Limitations

  • In Dragonflight there is no limit on the number of crafted items you can equip.
  • Spark of Ingenuity will restrict how many Epic crafted pieces you can have since it’s time-gated.
  • The only hard restriction is for some crafted items with special effects called Embellished items. Only 2 Embellished items can be equipped at once.

Engineering Items

  • Engineering is noteworthy in Dragonflight because it can craft special Helms and Wrists for all Armor types which have a Tinker socket.
  • The Wrists do not require Engineering to use so anyone can obtain these via a Crafting Order.
  • This means that non-Engineers can gain a combat-ress by slotting Tinker: Arclight Vital Correctors in the Tinker socket of these Wrists.
Engineering Wrists on Beta