Valdrakken is the main city in Dragonflight, where you will arrive at the end of the main story campaign. Here is a weakaura you can import to see these locations on the in-game map:

The map includes:
- Profession Trainers
- Auction House
- Bank + Great Vault
- Crafting Orders NPCs e.g. Head Clerk Mimzy Sprazzlerock
- Engine of Innovation (where you will start the questline Jump Start? Jump Starting! which leads to obtaining Bottled Essence to convert to Spark of Ingenuity).
- Primal Storms Quartermasters: Rethelshi and Mythressa (where you can redeem currency from Primal Storms events for 359-385 ilvl gear, pets and a mount)
- Dragon Trainer
- Battle Pet Master
- Portals to Orgrimmar and Stormwind